Festivals in Bulgaria

Festivals in Bulgaria - image BAGPIPES1 on https://www.easybulgariatravel.com

Festivals in Bulgaria

The Rose Festival in Kazanlak

The Rose Festival in Kazanlak takes place during the first weekend of June. The culmination of the festivities is on Sunday when the visitors enjoy the parade organized by the Kazanlak Municipality.

The Rose Festival in Karlovo

The Rose Festival in Karlovo takes places during the last weekend of May in the town of Karlovo.

The Festival of the Costumes in the village of Zheravna

Festivals in Bulgaria - image  on https://www.easybulgariatravel.comThe Festival of the Costumes in the village of Zheravna takes place in mid-August. During the three festival days, according to the rules, all participants have to dress in a folk costume, which can be authentic, stage or stylized. Also allowed are clothing from the early 20th century, old military uniforms, as well as traditional ones of other countries. No cameras are allowed ;))).

The Nestinarstvo Festival (Fire Dancing or Dancing on Hot Coals)

The Fire Dancing is a unique fiery ritual practiced in villages in southeastern Bulgaria, not far to the Black Sea coast. The performers dance barefoot on hot coals. The festival takes place every yaear around May 21, when in Bulgraia we celebrate the St. Constantine and Helena day.

The Festival of the Cherry in Kuystendil

The Festival of the Cherry takes place every year in the town of Kyustendil, usually in the last weekend of June.  Kyustendil is the region where the locals produce the best-quality cherries. They are regarded as heralds of summer and the gate that leads to fertility in the whole Kyustendil region.

The Surva Festival in the town of Pernik

One of the most popular Festivals in Bulgaria is The Surva Festival takes place in the town of Pernik. It is the biggest event of this type not only in Bulgaria but also on the Balkan Peninsula. It promotes variations of ancient Bulgarian customs that are still alive today. For two whole days groups from the country and abroad will show you their unique traditions, masks and costumes.

The International Bagpipe Festival in Gela

Festivals in BulgariaThe International Bagpipe Festival in the village of Gela takes places every year in the beginning of August. The greenfields and vast pastures around the village of Gela gather thousands of people who take part in this festival of Bulgarian music and traditions. Participants enjoy the magnetism and the magnificence of the sound of the Bulgraian Bagpipe.

The Festival of the Yougurt in the town of Razgrad

Every summer in July, the Bulgarian town of Razgrad becomes a center of the unique Yoghurt Festival. This festival is combined with the Festival of Old Bulgarian traditions and Authentic Bulgarian Folklore.
Famous Bulgarian yoghurt companies offer their production at the festival as well as home made yoghurt. Visitors have the chance to taste the special Bulgarian yoghurt and try different dishes based on it. Traditionally every year at the Bulgarian Yoghurt Festival the participants take part in the “Best home made yoghurt” competition.

The Rozhen Festival (Rozhen National Folklore Fair)

Among the most visited Festivals of Bulgaria is The Rozhen National Folklore Festival. Also, it is one of the biggest folklore fairs in Bulgaria and on the Balkans. It takes place every year on the meadows of the Rozhen area in the Rhodope Mountains.
The fair’s goal is to popularize the Bulgarian folk dance and song art. The first edition of the Rhozhen Festival of Folklore Art and Stockbreeding was in 1898.

Pirin Sings Folklore Festival

Pirin Folk Festival is an international festival of creativity in digital cultures, bringing together the world’s most talented creative coders, innovators, artists and designers. It takes place every year in September in the town of Sandanski, southwestern Bulgaria, near the border with Greece. Participants from Bulgaria, Macedonia, Greece and Romania take part in the contest.

Here you can find Our Tours for the Rose Festival in Kazanlak.

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